Our Goals

We recognize that children learn through first-hand interactive experiences with their environment and the people and things within it. Our goal at Oak Lane is to provide an outstanding educational childcare experience within a setting of early emotional nurturing so that children:

  • learn self-help skills: toileting, eating, dressing, choosing an activity.
  • learn the order of the educational environment.
  • are introduced to the tools of learning.
  • develop habits of observation, questioning and listening.
  • learn to use the equipment appropriately.
  • are provided with activities which encourage increased language development.
  • use language as a tool in social situations and feel comfortable speaking within a group.
  • work with others to accomplish a goal.
  • learn from mistakes and be risk takers.

We help children:

  • become comfortable in their setting and develop the ability to separate from parents.
  • develop positive self-concept and a sense of belonging.
  • develop trusting relationships with adults and peers.
  • learn to negotiate and apply rules of the community and/or group.
  • understand and respect cultural and social diversity.
  • represent ideas, thoughts, and feelings through pretend play, drama, music, dance, art and construction.
  • think critically, reason and problem solve.
  • develop understanding of physical world.
  • learn cause and effect.
  • become competent in management of their bodies and acquire basic gross and fine motor skills.